JavaScript WebViewer Visualizations

Everyone who pushes data with FileMaker eventually needs it visualized. That’s when most do the same thing: EXPORT TO EXCEL. Why bother? Why not just load all your data into JavaScript based visualization so it’s fast and interactive? That’s where JavaScript Visualizations come in handy. Pop a little code into a WebViewer and BAM! Your data is visualized.

Here’s a catalog of some of the really cool open source stuff people have written that can be integrated into your solution for free.

Just to show you we’re not kidding around here at Mandelbrot, we whipped up some Spider Plots to help one of our customers visualize the performance of their team. Spider Plots are great for measuring a ton of different data sets against each other quickly and visually. This client* needed to check the performance of each employee against the performance of their peers. Each hexagon on this chart represents a single employee’s performance in 6 key areas. Try clicking each color on the left to toggle them on and off.

Spider Plot 1 – 29 Employees on 6 Performance Metrics

Or measure a single employee against their past performance. Try hovering over the vertices to see which week you’re looking at.

Spider Plot 2 – One Person Over 10 Weeks

Or you could measure a completely different number of performance metrics, like the seven shown below.

Spider Plot 3 – 14 Employees on 7 Performance Metrics

Now that you’ve played around a little, here’s another fun one: The charts scale automatically. Try making one of the windows smaller. This is great for side by side comparisons of multiple plots (think two employees over 10 weeks).

Can you think of a way to use this for your business? Click here to set up a free, no obligation consultation today.

*All customer data in these demos has been replaced with generic numbers or letters to protect their privacy.